These are the official opening hours of Gzona Restaurant. Any other opening hours that you might encounter online are not official. Monday 12.30 PM 11.00 PM Tuesday 12.30 PM 11.00 PM Wednesday 12.30 PM 11.00 PM Thursday 12.30 PM 11.00 PM Friday 12.30 PM 11.00 PM Saturday 09.30 AM 11.30 AM & 12.30 PM 23.00 PM Sunday 09.30 AM 16.00 PM Tradition is the spirit of yesterday - in order to exist, it never changes. Evolution is the shape of the future - if we do not evolve, we cease to exist We aim to bring together tradition with the contemporary, well grounded in the generosity and richness of the Albanian land and waters. On the same spirit of our philosophy, we treat the typical Albanian cuisine with contemporary techniques, updated according to contemporary gastronomy. Located in one of the fanciest touristic spots in Tirana, you can find Gzona