Tsirani Home-Restaurant offers Caucasian cuisine enriched with Armenian elements. Hot dishes are mostly served in handicraft clay pots to preserve the warmth and taste of the meals. Home-style cooking, delicious grilled meat, and mainly organic food made Tsirani a popular place among both tourists and locals. Besides loved dishes such as Armenian barbecue, kebab, khash, and harisa Tsirani is proud to serve its lamb on the spit cooked right in the garden. Ghavurma, Spas, and Dolma are the most frequently ordered national specialties. But if you are looking for something very Armenian and specific, then our delicious salad with dried apricot is for you. And this all may be accompanied by homemade vodka or Armenian wine. And when it comes to dessert you must try the assortment of Armenian sweets "Gata" and "Pakhlava".