The Uki Cafe occupies a commanding position in the pretty heritage village of Uki, at the base of Mount Warning. With its huge shady verandah overlooking the village and the hills beyond, it is a gorgeous place to while away an afternoon with friends over a long lunch, or have breakfast to recover from climbing Mount Warning. Great coffee is served using 100% organic beans from Bun Coffee in Byron Bay. We also offer Chai options and a range of herbal teas as well as the classic black teas from the Madura Estate just 15km down the road. A licenced venue, we offer locally brewed, handcrafted beers from Stone & Wood in Byron Bay and also Burleigh Brewery on the Gold Coast. Whatever your taste in beer we can find a cold one to quench your thirst. A carefully selected range of organic wines from Tamburlaine, Orange, NSW are also available along with a selection of spirits, soft drinks and juices.