My tearooms philosophy: My tearooms is set in 1940. Its called the Victory Tearooms to harken back to that era, and the victory each and every person made to succeed in a time when life was hard. I wear vintage clothes and play vintage music and yes all my chairs and tables are also vintage. The house my tearooms is in is an old farm house and so we work hard to create somewhere that is more about the experience than the building. It is on 11 acres of farm land, which allows my customers to sit under a tree and enjoy the view with a vintage blanket and picnic basket if they wish. I am blessed with amazing customers who come from all over Brisbane to enjoy the ambience. Moms with babies, folks with dogs, night shift workers that want to sit on my back porch and knit or craft, as well as carers who bring their Alzheimers patients to have a special moment that other coffee and tea houses don't offer. I will never be a mod, super swish, shiny new coffee house. I am vintage