Some believe that only with light the charcoal and throw the meat on the hot iron, you get a good barbecue. But let me disagree. It is not easy. The roast must "give the right spot," must "have hands." It's like the "duende", "Magic," "art," "feeling" ... the most is the dedication to entertain a friend, to enjoy with family and all loved ones. They are the "essence droplets," attributed to who takes pride in its mastery in any art or craft. We're talking about sealing the meat, the first blow heat to form the crust to prevent the juices out, the distance from the coals, to prevent rapid wear and get a roast slow the rest of the meat shortly after cooking, to develop their full taste. Today families in the capital of Bolivia can see that elf, learn magic, art appreciation and above all feel on your palate Argentina habit of the "asado" by the hand of a friend ... "El Gaucho"