Ust as wine, coffee is marked by diversity of flavors. The different production sources, depending on weather, crop height and post-harvest treatment, produce a huge variety of types and qualities of coffee. In order to achieve maximum flavor and our partner Kassai COFFEE - Selected grains, produces a Blend Extra bringing together the best features of grains, from three regions of the country: High Mogiana, Parana and Cerrado Mineiro. Our blend contains a citric aroma with cocoa and chocolate notes. Highlights a lively and fruity acidity, remarkable body strength and the pronounced flavor of chocolate. The coffee produced in the region of Alta Mogiana has orange blossom aroma and citrus fruits. Its flavor is a balance between acidity and body. Have the coffee produced in the Parana region highlights an aroma with cocoa touches and moderate acidity, full-bodied coffee and cocoa flavor. By the end, the Cerrado coffee recalls the aroma of honey, floral and caramel. His body is moderate and the taste leaves a great caramel stay. The mixture of all these particular characteristics of each region, form the blend served in LIQUORI CAFFE GOURMET. Allied to this, the coffee is prepared by skilled baristas, making sure to have a great espresso.