Created in September 2004 by the chef Sormany Justen, the restaurant II Perugino - specializing in Italian cuisine - is recognized by Guia 4 Rodas as one of the country's best establishments. No wonder the house received for the fifth consecutive year, the star of the Guide. In addition, Il Perugino won the title of Best 8th Letter of Wines from Brazil in 2011. "We take care to offer, daily, new dishes and good wine options for our customers. All dishes are created by me. We change our menu two to three times a year," says Sormany boss. The attention in the preparation of meals and the unmistakable taste of Chef Sormany cuisine guaranteed in 2006, the title of best Petropolis restaurant. As a result of a perfect job, the chef has received invitations to consultants in Brazil and abroad. Sormany've been in Miami, Orlando, Victoria, Buzios, Sao Paulo, Volta Redonda and Mato Grosso. With extensive experience in developing menus, Sormany created the 30 options that the house offers and every day presents three to four choices of specials. Customers also have at their disposal tasting menu, with three, four and five dishes, plus the Confiance menu, which is a surprise offered by the chef for customers. The Italian seasoning and care to use spices and organic vegetables in dishes are popular with discerning palates. Among the specialties of the restaurant Il Perugino are: the lombata of bue (grilled prime rib), noque shrimp with fonduta cheese, mozzarella ravioli and the orientale salmon.