We decided to make a place where we would like to be. A fun place where everyone would be happy to go and work. A kitchen that interacts, that creates, that communicates, that pulsates! We wanted a place that would bring people together. We dare to think that we are reinventing ourselves, that we are doing everything new again! And we really are, but the essence remains the same and how good it is to keep our essence! A place without excesses, where we can call each other by name, and between prose and other, savor everything we do with love and joy, "here among us" this is our concept of gastronomy. You can eat it all by yourself, or split the dishes, make it feel better, but if you can, always be accompanied by people you love. Please forget the labels. Come in with joy, sit down, toast, smile. Arrive slowly. We are little ones, if you prefer to reserve your place. Cosiness is our main motto. We are the LuH bistro, a place to read, talk, laugh, and toast to life