The Dutch Martin was founded in 1955 by Mr. Martin and Diny Gerritsen. At that time, Mr. Martin was the only baker c city onfeiteiro and for years fed the Dutch families who settled in Holambra. In 1988, his son Frank, took over the company from his father. Made numerous courses in the Netherlands, making Martin the only bakery in Brazil with the quality seal Echt Bakker -. The "papacy" of the Dutch confectionery In 2007, after new courses in the Netherlands, Frank brought Pannekoek for Holambra and in 2008 incorporated . The potato in the Cone in major events in the country since 1980, the Dutch confectionery Martin is in the same place:. The main tourist street Holambra - Street Doria Vasconcelos Every day the restaurant / bakery is taken by the loyal clientele since the time of its inauguration. Famous for its sweet and high quality parts, always gets many tourists and is a meeting place for groups of bikers from all over Brazil during the weekend.S que se instalaram em Holambra. Em 1988, seu filho Frank, assumiu o comando da empresa junto ao pai. Fez inumeros cursos na Holanda, tornando a Martin a unica confeitaria do Brasil com o selo de qualidade Echt Bakker - o "papado" dos confeiteiros holandeses. Em 2007, apos novos cursos na Holanda, Frank trouxe a Pannekoek para a Holambra e em 2008 incorporou a Batata no Cone nos maiores eventos do pais. Desde 1980, a Confeitaria Martin Holandesa se encontra no mesmo local: a principal rua turistica de Holambra - Rua Doria Vasconcelos. Todos os dias o restaurante/confeitaria e tomado pela clientela fiel desde os tempos de sua inauguracao. Famosa por seus doces e porcoes de alta qualidade, sempre recebe inumeros turistas e e ponto de encontro de grupos de motociclistas de todo Brasil durante os finais de semana.