Experience a difference with us. Arts Caf is here for you, and for our community. A unique boutique and seaside caf located at the Crab Market in Kep. The Arts Caf offers tailored clothing, bags and accessories as well as traditional Cambodian crafts. We serve a wide variety of excellent coffees, drinks, Cambodian & Western food and vegetarian dishes in addition to Keps famous seafood. Arts Caf is a fun place for families. We are an extension of Khmer Hands, a vocational training school for local people to develop job skills and a career they love in hospitality or design. We work to inspire our students to do their best for themselves and their guests. We hope this brings you the best meals the best coffees the best service. So we welcome you into that experience, and we thank you for being a part of this training. Enjoy the opportunity to make a difference, for yourself, and for these future professionals.