Our story began in the small town of Takasu, Hokkaido - a neighboring city of Asahikawa with a population of just 7000 people. The name of the town, Takasu literally means "Eagle resides " in Ainu, an aboriginal Hokkaido language. The owner Hideki Sasaki grew up in this small town where his mother had a restaurant. He loved his mother's ramen and so did the townspeople. His passion for ramen began as a child and continues to this day. The soup condenses the "UMAMI" which consists of a blend of pork bones, vegetables, seafood, simmering for many hours. Close attention is paid to strain the excess fat and achieve a condensed broth that forms the gelatine from the collagen, which only the pure broth could. Though this broth is descended from a style typical of Asahikawa ramen, Sasaki has persued this special broth through years of his works. In all of our ramen, you will enjoy roasted flavoured Hokkaido lard which shields the soup from cooling down too quickly, so the soup will remain ho