Tromba Rija has made its Asian debut at Macau Tower on December 22, 2014 and named in Chinese, in which the family name of Elisabte and Fernando is subtly embedded. The design of the new Tromba Rija will follow the tradition to render passionate and home-like hospitality, so that customers can enjoy the party atmosphere in a house of fine delicacy. By adopting a rustic, family style design, from the setting, lighting to every detail, the restaurant delivers a warm and simplistic ambience fused with contemporary elements, offering an extraordinary dining experience. The restaurant provides private dining room, indoor and outdoor dining area that can accommodate more than 150 guests, easily becoming an ideal dining and celebration destination for family and friends, especially those who seek quality of life. Tromba Rijas a-la-carte menu provides a wide selection of the countrys traditional delicacies. In addition to a variety of cold cuts, cheese, sausage and signature dishes, several local Macanese style cuisines will also be served exclusively in Macau Tower. Buffet menu is also available during the below period, bringing you an exceptional Portuguese dining experience!