Ajiaco is a traditional Andean dish that originated from Bogota. It is a chicken, corn, and potato stew with a hint of guasca (Gallant Soldiers), a local herb. sancocho is a traditional dish that originated in the north coast. It is made with any kind of meat along with corn, potato, yuca, plantain and local spices that are cooked together to form a soup. Bandeja Paisa (Chorote) originates from Antioquia and is assembled with several foods making necessary to use a platter (Bandeja in Spanish, hence the name). It is made of beans, rice, fried eggs, chorizo, pork rind and other ingredients depending on the location. Tamales are corn or corn/rice “cakes” wrapped in platain tree leaves and steamed. They can be filled with everything from chicken, potatoes, peas, carrots, to rice. The tamales vary in shape and fillings in each region, and almost every region has its own variation. Some well known variations are from Tolima, Santander, Cucuta, Bogota and Valle del Cauca; just to name a few