Traditional expressions as: "Good day, follow nomas" O "Right away there table" have been pronounced without interruption for 61 years in the traditional Cafe Alhambra in the historic center, San Blas in Quito. Breakfast: with cooked tortilla, scrambled eggs and sausage or ham, american coffee passed with the best Ecuador artisanal coffee, natural juices: tomato, soursop, blackberry, strawberry, babaco, pineapple ... And the best traditional Quito bread. And, other traditional delights of Quito: tamales, tamales, quimbolitos, breaded chicken, pork or traditional sandwiches of hot cheese and ham. And traditional snacks as: moncaibas, chimborazos, and more...Ahh, and do not forget traditional hot prepared to take: chocolate or ponche which have not changed since opening. Listening to the best classical and instrumental music, unique collection only heard in the Cafe Alhambra.