Great Green Banana is a coffee shop specialized on offering our very own, and healthy versions of ecuadorian food and treats based on banana and its different kinds, like green banana, maduro, and maqueo. We also use yuca (mandioca), and corn to make the best tortillas, filled with cheese, chicken and vegan options too. We are also speciallized on "tigrillos" made of green banana, or yuca. Everything we do is oil and grease free. We also have the best vegetable and fruit combination juices. Our place is perfect for a unusual breakfast, lunch, or afternoon light meal. You can combine our creations with our home made, artisanal Masala Tea (Chai Tea), Guayusa (a hot beverage popular amoung teh indigenous groups), and filtered coffee, combined (or not) with Cardamomo spice. We consider ourselves innovators and offer a friendly and nice service within a cozy enviroment.