Our philosophy ... All our products are imported directly from our producers in Italy, we cook 100% fresh and 100% homemade. At Giorgio, we love what we do, we love work well done and above all we like to make small dishes prepared with love like our grandmothers and grandfathers. This makes it possible to better absorb the Italian culture and also at the same time to indulge in the daydream of the journey. The team ... The team of the casa di Giorgio is a bunch of young Italian chefs who are passionate about the love of the trade. They come from all over Italy, Naples, Tuscany and Venice. They love to create, share and move Through their dishes all made with fresh products. All this beautiful team is led by the Neapolitan Chef Stephano Russo virtuoso of the dishes of his mamma. Behind the oven Moretti, Alessandra Murano who has been making pizzas since the age of 15, Claudio also assumes the ball of mozzarellas. And of course, the father of this beautiful Italian band is the magnificent Giorgio. It was he who taught us how to make the pizza dough as in his old house. So do not hesitate, we will be delighted to welcome you in the best possible conditions.