We greatly respect the cuisine of our ancestors. In dishes and recipes, culinary ways and habits. Whatever fed us for centuries, made us humans, and got us here. We use, as much as we can, the freshest ingredients, vegetables from our and local gardens, meat and other goodies from the surrounding islands, fish and seafood from Greek seas. We cook with extra virgin olive oil. Our menu changes often. It depends on the season, on the whims of the weather and . on the mood of the cook. We cook daily and in small quantities. Please, forgive us if something has run out. Paraphrasing Jorge Luis Borges we do not cook for a select minority, which means nothing to us, nor for that adulated platonic entity known as The Masses. We cook for ourselves and for our friends, and we cook also to ease the passing of time. Kali orexi (Good appetite) The Rozas