Corinna Star Restaurant's cuisine cruises the sea of taste following the route of simplicity and authenticity, piloted by Mr. Yannis and his son Vassilis. We renewed our cuisine by simplifying its menu to pure Mediterranean style cooking while, on the other hand, we enriched our seafood dishes with fish from the very same nets of Mr. Yannis. You should definitely consider tasting the seafood pasta with mussels and lobster (if the catch the night before was good...in the end, life's a game of chance). In case you are lucky, don't miss out on this opportunity. And a tip from the house: Accompany this quality dish with Moschofilero or Savatiano (varieties of Greek white wine). In case luck doesn't favour you and the seafood pasta is not available, the "Corinna pasta" is always on the menu, and it's a dish you are guaranteed to enjoy. Achieving superb taste is not easy. It's a secret recipe in itself, one that's multidimensional and with many requisites: Honesty, quality, natural ingredients, passion and authentic atmosphere. In our case, all these originate from the magical scenery surrounding you and from the friendly disposition of the people cooking for you as well as those waiting on you.