Welcome to Loka Heath cafe/bar. Eat in our open air cafe. Loka's menu boasts a wide variety of health-based meals, for all dietary needs. We offer meal plans to help you reach your health and fitness goals. Take away and delivery are available. We also host weekly events. Mondays are movie nights, chill out on our bean bags and watch a movie under the stars. Taco Tuesdays, 3 tacos, cocktail deal & live music. Grab one of our famous smoothie bowls 2 for 1 all day Wednesdays. Burger & beer deal every Thursday. Sunday nights see our Sunday Sesh30k all you can eat bbq with live acoustic music for those chilled holiday vibes. Happy hour available every day, 2 for 1 on all cocktails 6-8pm. Check out our instagram @loka.lombok