Artes Caf offers an extended men, based on the model of the Apericena, offering the opportunity to taste typical food and wine from the Apulian cuisine (Aperipuglia), or of biological origin (Aperibio), and from lands confiscated to mafia, in collaboration with Libera Terra (Aperilibera). The offer is completed with men of meat (Aperigriglia), fried food (Aperifritto), for children (Aperibimbi) and other types of Apericena based on valued and first-rate products.Furthermore, with the support of the Regione Puglia, of the Pathological Addictions Departement, of the Comune di Bari and Fondazione con il Sud Finis Terrae and in collaboration with important no profit organizations like Libera Terra, Emergency, Unicef and Made in Carcere, Artes Caf allows the job placement of disadvantaged people, the organization of awareness events on the themes of leagality, integration, rights and the sell of gadgets in collaboration with no-profit organizations.