The contradictions between the "lived" the city 'and its actual capacity' to produce and consume sociality 'and culture and 'born in 1984, the tavern of Maltese. Fragments of individual needs that they found the will 'and how to conjugate with each other, regenerating words, visions, ideals and identity' condivisa.E container tavern interacted over the years with the content and it has resulted in a kind of fruition unique and innovative, helping to enrich and transform tastes and habits and to fill a deficit of representation towards the universe and its youth bisogni.Si are compared within it new languages ​​that have crossed common needs of belonging and identity ', releasing over the years, many so far, capacity 'critical, intellectual autonomy, ironia.Ha welcomed inside, without obligation to use case was unique in the history of this city', part of the immense army of young people, and not only that bari denied leaving any chance, recovering a sense of loneliness and alienation of many and offering an alternative humanization rich and conscious of social relations, in a daily practice of dialectic differences and curiosity, 'of infinite diversity' of possible sociality 'without fear, no labels, no violenza.Circa two thousand musical and cultural events in the last thirty years have witnessed a docility 'to different influences, a habit to mediation, the openings, the contamination with other cultures, trying to overcome the sadness of a city 'you can not put to use their talents for lack of imagination, for excess private interests, for administrative sloth, dwelling in the evening and night otherwise desertified fear .M.Yourcenar in the famous book "The Memoirs of Hadrian" glosses saying "you have to enter into life with open eyes" And 'This is the thread that has always marked the life of "The tavern Malay".