Once upon a time, Gigi, Jimmy and Steven, three brothers born in America of Calabrese fathers and mothers. Their parents in that place so far take root by opening an Italian-style bar, taking in the meantime ideas and ideas to improve more and more in their field, transmitting passion and the desire to always do new things to those three children who grew up creating among them a bond so strong that it becomes indissoluble. But the heart knows, feels no reason, and in 1985 the whole family returns to beloved Calabria by opening a new bar. Meanwhile, the three children become three inseparable men who share the same passion and a great experience that are handed down to each other, so in 2001 they decided to start a beautiful project that had been buzzing in their heads for a while. Thus was born the CRAZY BEACH, a beach club, cocktail bar, restaurant and disco on the beach, which in a very short time became a reference point for young and old, perfect for days of summer relaxation