
A unique atmosphere in the heart of the Mediterranean Ea-ting and not sim-ply feed, is a con-scious choi-ce, an emo-tion. And it is an emo-tion that take shape the in-gre-dien-ts used by Chef Fi-lip-po Co-glian-dro for the "com-po-si-tion" of the a la carte menu, as well as John Da-sco-la, his Exe-cu-ti-ve Chef, never loses sight of a taste sen-sa-tion that each sea-son can give. From raw ma-te-rials of high qua-li-ty, fresh, ca-re-ful-ly se-lec-ted and found on the ter-ri-to-ry, we crea-te ga-stro-no-mic trips and we offer our guests sug-ge-stions that re-main over time. "The di-shes are real my-tho-lo-gi-cal nar-ra-ti-ves in which the main cha-rac-ters are the pro-duc-ts of-fe-red by our sea and our land, crea-ted in-spi-red by a set of fee-lings, of mix-tu-res of plea-su-re and taste and the need to" get my hands dirty "in a per-so-nal way. So I built my ex-pe-rien-ce and I put to-ge-ther in my di-shes !!! Be-si-des the usual sta-te-men-ts (sea-so-nal pro-duc-ts, se-lec-tion and qua-li-ty, rein-ter-pre-ta-tion of the local cui-si-ne), the phi-lo-so-phy that every day ac-com-pa-nies the choi-ces of my kit-chen, is that of the game, the "pur-suit of emo-tion" to give to those who want to taste my di-shes, using eve-ry-thing that I con-si-der ne-ces-sa-ry to achie-ve this goal. The-re-fo-re, it is cri-ti-cal me-tho-do-lo-gy ex-press coo-king, to add to the fre-sh-ness of the in-gre-dien-ts, the taste of a fre-shly pre-pa-red food, wi-thout the use of pre-coo-king of all sorts. " Coo-king is like ma-king a gift that sur-pri-sed with sim-ple ge-stu-res and re-fi-ned. Who makes a gift to a loved one knows the care, at-ten-tion and sen-si-ti-vi-ty that it takes. And it is the same care, at-ten-tion and sen-si-ti-vi-ty that we place in our every dish. And it is only the be-gin-ning of this won-der-ful jour-ney of the sen-ses ...


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+39 0965 312968


Largo Colombo 6, Reggio Calabria, Italy

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