The fort Petrazza is one of the Umbertine works that deviates significantly from the others, not for its size, but for the form and other details . It stands on a south point of the city to control the port. The plant, unlike the other Umberto the structures, is polygonal. The entrance is on the right and it's not a drawbridge. The moat that once circumscribed the whole work was almost completely paved and is only visible on the right side of the front of attack. Singular is also the most extensive left wall that has a significant number of slots, while the right, continue past the front of the throat extending and protecting also the right side of the work. A main element of distinction is the absence of classical caponier standard, useful for grazing defense of the ditch. The fort has two levels communicating only via single ramp, opposite the entrance. On fighting the embankment there are signs of the circular pitches for howitzers . This work during the bombardment of Messina of 1941 and 1943 hosted anti-aircraft artillery and therefore was hit during the air raids of 1943. Today it is in good condition and is being exploited for socio-cultural events, exhibitions, performances. Additional information Derivation of the name from the place where it is located (Petrazza) Location: between Upper Camaro and Bordonaro s.l.m: about 230 meters Orientation: East-Southeast Drive to beach: 2550 meters Control Sector: Defense of the Port and the central area of the Strait Armament: four gun emplacements, or cannon and six howitzer or cannon on wheels