Not only is La Toscana a bakery but also a place where you can taste the territory. While enjoying an enchanting view from the town of San Baronto, La Toscana offers season cured meats, cheese, wine and olive oil artisanal food typical of the surrounding areas proof of the craft of local farmers. Another great example are bakery products. Delicious cakes and biscuits, according to the recipes the baking tradition of the city of Pistoia, are prepared each day, theirmouth-watering smells spreading throughout the town: the berlingozzi, the cantuccini from Prato, ossi, panforte, torrone (Christmas nougat), colombe di pasqua(traditional Easter cakes), panettone (traditional Christmas cake), ricciarelli and cavallucci, fruit tarts and Piedmontese nut chocolate cakes, crumbles and so much more.Every Sunday morning ancient flours - better when local - are exalted through the making of traditional breads; whereas the afternoon is dedicated to the making of pizza and Cofaccia bread (dimpled flat oven-baked bread) according to the citys tradition. La Toscana is glad to welcome you to savour an appetizingsnack made with genuine ingredients.