Tokumitsu Coffee Maruyama
TOKUMITSU WAY The owner goes out to the varlous coffee farms to confirm the quality of the beans with his own eyes. Our roasting method is of the quality to draw out the highest potential of the beans. We eliminate beans with defects by hand to secure the"clear"taste and flavor,making sure we supply the beans of the highest quality. Concern for the Freshness of the Beans The coffee beans from various farms arrive to our flagship shop in ISHIKARI bythe best method there is,keeping the beans from deterloration during transport.Once in ISHIKARI,they are stored in a cellar under tight control of temperature and humidity,much like how wine is stored. Only the amount in demand is roasted daily to be supplied to our three other coffee shops. Teh beans will not be displayed for sale past the 10th day of roasting.The beans at the shops are kept at the right temperature to maintain freshness. Technique in Blending and RoastingDetails
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takeaway available