Chikusuitei (restaurant) in Hamadera by TAKOMASA TAKOMASA is one of the oldest takoyaki shops in Osaka. Takomasa opened Japans first takoyaki restaurant in Sakai-city, Osaka. The restaurant is surrounded by an earthen wall and a bamboo thicket. The entrance of Chikusuitei features Japanese architecture and is tastefully laid out. We hope you will enjoy our Kaiseki-traditional Japanese cuisine. Our restaurant menu features numerous versions of takoyaki/octopus! Also, there is a dish called Sakaiyaki (This is Sakai's New Speciality! We put grilled conger eels in Takomasa's original Akashiyaki. We use Matsuiizumi(which is well-known conger eels' store in Sakai city)'s grilled conger eels.) If you like Japanese architecture and octopus, please come to our restaurant Chikusuitei!!