During being open 24 hours for 365 days! If good Chinese meat dumplings are eaten, Shinjuku Running Chinese meat dumplings. Please eat so that I may put Chinese meat dumplings of Shinjuku running Chinese meat dumplings on a spoon and breathe good gravy! Our Chinese meat dumplings are garlic and leek nonuse. This place is the interior rich in the atmosphere in old Edo when a fire fighter corps in Edo was imagined, and seriousness is the speciality store of Chinese meat dumplings where I stuck to the Chinese meat dumplings which will eat homemade gravy Chinese meat dumplings. kansougeikaikosu oshokujitokkakatakakekomimatoikosu1980en .iroironagyouzagatanoshimerugyouzatokkakatakakekomihikeshikosu2980en .toutenmeibutsunobasashishiodengyouzagatanoshimerukosupajuushibaransukatakakekomimatsurikosu3980en.sakurasukiyakigatannoudekiruedokabukikosu4980en sekijouhou .kauntaseki 1meisama4meisama .1kai teburuseki 2meisama10meisama .1kai teburuseki 3meisama13meisama .2kai teburuse