RISHON is the first and only authentic traditional kosher Jewish restaurant in Lithuania, aiming to preserve and ensure the continuity of the Litvak and Israeli culinary heritage. RISHON promotes the good old traditions of healthy and delicious Jewish cuisine. Legendary dishes like gefilte fish, forshmak and tsimes, specially prepared meat and vegetable meals, and the famous Jewish sweets. Here you will find an outstanding combination of Litvak and Israeli culinary masterpieces and dishes kept and carried by word of mouth through generations of the multi-faceted Jewish culture. In RISHON's kitchen everyone will find their favorite flavor. Here you find the most popular, renowned and beloved dishes made from kosher, organic produce according to the rules of kashrut and principles of healthy food combinations. RISHON offers exceptionally high quality catering services (external banquets, traveling tourist groups, weddings, birthdays, holidays and other events, meetings, seminars etc.) in Lithuania, Belarus, Poland and elsewhere. We offer a convenient delivery service to any place in Vilnius, at the time convenient for you. This means that traditional Jewish kosher food in Vilnius is one phone call away! RISHON's visitors and customers are respected and cherished guests, welcomed by a professional and flexible chef and friendly staff.