It's raining! It's storming! There goes your morning game! Missed a game with your friends in the day and need to brush up on your game after the sun goes down? Well, you can! Play 18 hole golf courses just like you would outdoors at THE SWING FACTORY! Only this time, play a game in Pebble Beach or St Andrews! Or choose between any of the 90+ golf courses around the world on our virtual simulator! You drive, chip, or putt real golf balls with your own clubs. The realistic ball action allows golfers to hit hooks, slices, draws, fades and straight shots. Need to fix your hooks & slices that's affecting your handicap? Hire one of our golf pro coaches to teach you the techniques you need to better your game. And one more thing, you can enjoy great food and drinks while you're playing a round! We love our food as much as we love golf! So why not have it all at THE SWING FACTORY!