More people are jobless today than at any point in history ... And it is not going away! There are more than 100 million young unemployed aged between 15 - 29 in the World and this is growing every day. If something is not done about it, a whole generation could be dramatically affected and the flow on affects devastating. Many of these people are Remarkable. We like to call them "Remarkable Unemployees" Sadly, high quality un-employees are a growing trend... And it's not just because there aren't enough jobs (although there aren't), it's also because the most remarkable unemployees don't actually want them. They want their own gig. Sounds cliched but they want to make a difference. The world is changing. No more guarantees. No more career paths. More like career roulette. But there's good news too. You can start something yourself. But starting something from scratch is hard. Really hard. Really really hard. Really really really... Well you get the point. Because unless you have a rich Mum or Dad (well done if you do by the way) then no one will lend you the money to get started. "Sorry, you don't have the experience/collateral/___________(fill in the gap)". So that's where JOY comes in. We'll stand beside you and help get you started. We won't make stupid promises - it's still up to you. But we've created a great product, and a pretty cool business model. We want to give people an opportunity to begin a remarkable journey, reconnect with humanity, have fun and make a decent living. So if you want a gig. Not a job. If you want to run your own business, be your own boss, make your own profit - then maybe JOY is for you. Let's talk.