WELCONE TO THE LA NOCHE RESTAURANT Welcome to La Noche Restaurant a special place where you can taste the amazonian cuisine. Located in the exotic city of Iquitos, in Loreto department Peru. Breakfast / Dinner / Lunch All lunchs are cooked with fresh ingredients, served at the moment and according to clients taste. Drinks A great selection of drinks at clients taste. You could try a great selection of peruvian cold beer, spirits, special jungle drinks, wine, fruit juices, or refreshments. These are a couple of the most popular drinks: Aguajina refreshment (aguaje palm fruit) Camu-camu refreshment (a fruit with the highest vitamin C content) Or, you could order any other drink from the list. DIET AYAHUASCA Contact with medicine depends largely prepare the body with a responsible and conscious diet. We offer the ritual part of the ceremony that begins in the days before shooting, where the body is prepared, the mind and the heart, adjusting to a vegetarian diet. It is advisable to work the humble intention to learn without asking many expectations and with great respect for the sacred space that will have access. It is necessary to strictly vegetarian diet, strictly 3 days before and after the ceremony. Preferably 7 days or more in advance. This must refrain, without exception, of all types of meat, alcohol and synthetic or natural drugs. Teachers recommend Jungle fast from sex. If the person is medicated, any type of compound, you need to check to verify compatibility of our chef specialists themselves. If youre planning to visit Iquitos in a near future, dont forget to send to us an email, and let us know your requirements in order to be ready for your visit. Remember to ask to your travel agency for a RESERVATION ticket that we will email them confirming your special request. All cards are welcome: Visa, Mastercard, American express.