The restaurant "U Grandson" is located in a wooden house, built in 1850 by his brother Sabaly - Joseph Krzeptowski . This is the first story house in Podhale. Here housed the first restaurant, the first store, the first post office, and later - also the first casino and a reading room with a library. The house was a center of culture and frequented, among others Valery Elias, Titus Chalubinski, Helena Modjeska, Karol Estreicher - senior, Mieczyslaw Pawlikowski, Vincent Witos, Kazimierz break-Tetmajer, Wladyslaw Orkan, Jan Kasprowicz, gen. Jozef Haller. March 4, 1904 year contemporary inn Highlanders Association was formed under the Care of the Blessed Andrew Boboli, who later became a Polish Highlanders Alliance. In 1907, the granddaughter of Joseph Krzeptowski she married John Grandson, Lviv restaurateur, who came to Zakopane, to cook for the Henryk Sienkiewicz. 1907 Grandsons of Joseph and John ran his own restaurant, combined with an inn. The restaurant quickly gained a reputation and numerous customers, after all, among others Jan Wnuk apprenticed in Foyeta in Paris. And since the beginning of the inn has become a favorite place for mountaineers from all over the Highlands. In this house lived upstairs grandsons John and Joseph. Here they were born six children, of whom still lives only Mieczyslaw grandson. Vladimir grandson - a writer, author of many books on podhalanska died in 1992. Subsequent decades contact "U Grandson" lowlanders and highlanders worlds, combining and creating a unique atmosphere of the community.