The house was built in 1897 by Abram Jossem, a known dentist from Bialystok. It hosted many famous residents, mostly the elite residents of Bialystok. Back in time, several institutions were located here: St. Petersburg Agency - Toulouse Land Bank - the main investor of the "Ritz" Hotel, the Szejnman pawnshop, an institution producing stamps, the Solomon Ginzburg request office, the "Life of Bialystok" editorial office, and many others. Beautiful but unfortunately very damaged building, which was entered in the register of historical monuments, required renovation. The modernization of the building, which was possible through the capital of the investors and the EU subsidies, started in 2009, although, the original facade of the building was preserved. The main idea of the whole undertaking was to create a boutique hotel in the heart of Biaystok.