a modern Chinese cafe, on the market since 1999, cooks from China, cook exceptionally modern Chinese food, interter in Chinese style, the number of seats is 80, popular with tourists from China, guests and residents of the city. kafe CHINA-TOWN raspolozhen v pomeshcheniye, kotoroye yavlyayetsya pamyatnikom istorii i kul'tury Zdaniye gostinitsy Grand-otel'. Zdes' prokhodil 1-y s"yezd voyennoplennykh internatsionalistov i razmeshchalis' Sibirskiy komitet i gubkom RPK (b) 1902-1905 gg. ob"yekt kul'turnogo naslediya regional'nogo znacheniya, resheniye oblispolkoma 294 ot 24.06.1980g, regist. 224 v Spiske pamyatnikov istorii i kul'tury g. Irkutska, podlezhashchikh okhrane-2000 g..