Hey. I am Jason, hmm, I guess it's more convenient for you to read Jason. Who! How? Where? We will not play this game, but immediately proceed to the entertaining discussion of my first child, I called it, by the way, in my honor. I agree, I do not hold modesty. Mad lurking resentment, as beer, for some particular circumstances, has become mainstream and swill, but this is far from being the case. From the current situation, I am obsessed with gathering lovers of this noble drink and giving battle to the above-stated judgments. Soon (well, honestly soon), I will invite you to the first authentic pub in Pskov for connoisseurs. Let's walk (not the main thing to Podruk) on a pleasant path from the usual lager to overseas craft. I will write to you here, but for now it makes sense to go in for sports. In touch.