U srcu Beograda,na Dorcolu,u neobicnom ambijentu kuce iz 1923.god. smesten je New reset,restoran koji definise Vasa ocekivanja.Nas originalni meni je ram,a jelo birate sami,pa je slika z a d o v lj s t v o. Nase goste ne pitamo kako su se proveli jer znamo - s j a j n o.Zasto bi Vi bili izuzetak? Vas New Reset! In the heart of Belgrade, on Dorcol, in the unusual ambience of the house from 1923. New reset is located, a restaurant that defines your expectations. The original menu is a ram, and you are eating alone, and there is a picture with a view. We do not ask our guests how they were spent, because we know - with j a n o. Why would you be an exception? Your New Reset!