NajVacPalac Summer restaurant bar

Latest Reviews

  • FOOD: Kvoli mrazenym polotovarom si naozaj netreba robit vylet na Devin. Ale maju tam velky gril, rozhodne nic nepokazite, ked si date jedlo pripraven…

  • Dámy a páni, dovoľte mi predstaviť vám prvotriedny burger s piatimi hviezdičkami - NajVacBurger! Bola som tam náhodne so skupinkou turistov, a úprimne…

  • Visited this place during our visit to Devin Castle, love the ambiance of the place. They have open seating area which was very colorful. We ordered h…


NajVacPalac Summer restaurant bar is open for Casual Dining. NajVacPalac Summer restaurant bar serves Grill, Burger and Slovak dishes. Incorrect or missing information? Make a report, or claim the restaurant if you own it!


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4 Reviews on “NajVacPalac Summer restaurant bar”

Very Good
4 reviews
  • Eric Estrada

    FOOD: Kvoli mrazenym polotovarom si naozaj netreba robit vylet na Devin. Ale maju tam velky gril, rozhodne nic nepokazite, ked si date jedlo pripravene na grile. STAFF: Za leto sa tam vystrieda kopec brigadnikov, niekedy sa im chce, niekedy nie. Rozhodne by sa to dalo robit aj lepsie. COFFEE: netrufol som si

  • Tims

    Dámy a páni, dovoľte mi predstaviť vám prvotriedny burger s piatimi hviezdičkami – NajVacBurger! Bola som tam náhodne so skupinkou turistov, a úprimne bolo nám jedno, čo dostaneme na tanieri a v tej konkurencii bufetových fastfoodov naokolo som ani nemala žiadne očakávania. To, čo nám bolo servírované však o to viac prekvapilo a bola to radosť aj pre oči aj pre jazyk 🙂 Domáce hranolčeky, poriadny falat mäsa a omáčky s nápadom – nie zmiešať kečup s tatarkou a vydávať to za špecialitu podniku. Čakali sme síce viac ako 40 minút na jedlo, ale keď som zhliadla ten finálny produkt, vôbec ma to netrápilo 🙂 Pri návšteve Devína sa rozhodne oplatí zastaviť.

  • Nishant Kalra

    Visited this place during our visit to Devin Castle, love the ambiance of the place. They have open seating area which was very colorful. We ordered hog dog along with kofola & ginger ale. It was our first encounter with  this slovakia local non alcoholic drink and we loved it . As place was very crowded, so it was taking some time for our hog dog and we had a ship to catch, their staff was very courteous to get our order packed in a very short time. We had hog dog during our back journey and we loved it . Sausage was very fresh and yummy, french fries served alongside was delicious too. Portion size of hog dog was quite good and pricing was very decent. A must recommended one for all tourists visiting Devin Castle!!!

  • Zuzulienka

    Ked sa pojdete prejst na devin urcite sa zastavte tu len malinkary problemik, ze je furt full tento palac. Nedivme sa obsluha mila, rychla a jedlo super. Ochutnali sme makove sulance a najvacpalac burger a bolo to super – masko v burgriku stavnate, dva dressing ku nie obycajnym, ale domacimi hranolkami a kazdy si pride na svoje. Jediny minus, ze sa da platit len cash a stravne neberu.. Urcite odporucam

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Slovanské nábrežie, Devín, Bratislava IV

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