Orphanage takes its unconventional name from its location on Orphan Street, so named as the orphan children of Cape Town used to gather there in the early 1900s. The low-key brown doorway with a key-shaped spy-hole is an Alice through the looking glass entrance into a beautifully detailed, quirky cocktail club which opened rather unusually, with a blessing by the Archdeacon and a drink on the menu is dedicated to the present day Childrens Home that was founded as a result of his predecessors efforts. Harking back to the drinking dens of the early 1900s; Orphanage offers an extraordinary theater of cocktail alchemy, an unpretentious, top-quality sharing food menu of which the star is the signature crayfish rolls & truffle chips & a remarkable and rich history from the vibrant Mother City. Expect a laid back vibe, DJ's spinning deep-house & dancing until 2am.