Concept (eng) - The "Bao" is any dubt one of the most outstanding creations of Asian street food; it's so popular in several countries of Asia and its a serious candidate for being the king of street food for 2016! The Bao is made up of a tender, light, spongy and slightly sticky bun, which is steamed to then wrap a slowly cooked! The result is a succulent bite and a surprising range of flavours. Naturally, with any kind of popular food, the Bao filling is subject to the creativity of the chef and the diners appetite, and there are different versions. - Concepto (esp) El pan "Bao" es sin duda una de las creaciones mas exitosas de la comida callejera Asiatica; es muy popular en varias Regiones de Asia y es un buen candidato a ser la comida estrella del 2016! El Bao es un tierno, ligero, esponjoso y ligeramente pegajoso bollo cocinado al vapor! El resultado es un bocado jugoso, con una sorprendente gama de sabores que van desde lo salado a lo dulce, incluyendo un toque agrio y modera