A restaurant and a beer together they enjoyed in the Barrio de las Letras. The neighborhood of the Literati. Also the neighborhood with one of the biggest cultural events and entertainment throughout the capital. But not only that, we are the Madrid de las Cortes, colleagues and necessary complement to the Madrid de los Austrias. We are the quintessential neighborhood of Madrid. You'll appreciate the invitation to get lost among our streets and bring our house in order to enjoy the cuisine we offer. Whether you want to have some beers, tapas or want to eat, you will find in our house just what you were looking for. After passing through El Prado, El Ateneo, Las Cortes, La Real Academia de la Historia, where was printed "Don Quixote", where he was buried Cervantes, in which Lope de Vega lived; after breath at the source of Neptune and feel that Siqueiros give you a pleasure, then, come visit. You will see that we are the ideal place to end or entroncar the day with afternoon and evening of the neighborhood and its many proposals complement nightlife. Our carefully selected range of wild fish, rice, vegetables, meat and seafood, plus their distiintas implementation options, insurance will get quench the pleasure sought. Free to visit the website and explore the different areas to access our cards and menus, feel knowing where and how to reach us and offer a means of contact to be able to offer any feedback, questions or requests you want. And do not lose sight of us because in the future we will offer a full multimedia gallery with photos and videos of both the house and the components thereof and the preparation of some of our most popular dishes. We wait.