We always think that you are our family. So, we intend to take care you as the part of our family. Because, this is Krua Ban Chan. Krua Baan Chan is the restaurant and the homestay, surrounding by mountains and verdurous trees that make you feel fresh and relax. If you wish a slow-life experience, here is a best choice for you. Everyone in our team is take care of each other like the family. All of them are our family. Krua Baan Chan homestay and restaurant has 9 rooms, which are 4 Houses with the air-condition, television, water heater, etc. 5 Houses with the fan, water heater, televisions. Please accept an apologize for any inconveniences. Krua Bann Chan will try our best to keep the standard of our food and our service. If you have any comments, please do not hesitate to tell us. Hopefully we are the best choice for you.