Poppies is renowned for their authentic fish and chips - and it's little wonder, with born and bred East-end proprietor, Pat 'Pop' Newland, at the helm. Pop's career in the fish and chip business started in 1952 when, aged 11, he got a job on Roman Road cutting up copies of The Daily Mirror to wrap fish and chips in. Half a century on, with decades of experience behind him, 'Pop' founded his own fish and chip shop, lending his name to the first branch of Poppies. The shop is filled with retro memorabilia from Pop's childhood - but Poppies is just as progressive as it is nostalgic, using the best and most responsibly-sourced ingredients to make top quality fish and chips. All the seafood used at Poppies is sustainable. It's caught on day boats and then delivered to the shop by third-generation Billingsgate fishmonger and old friend, Joe Bush. Every morning Poppie's' in house fishmonger, Salih Sadik, fillets the whole fish. It's this winning formula which has earned Poppies cult-status. A combination of ethical awareness, care and precision, mixed with decades of experience, jellied eels, and a hefty dose of charm.