Tap & Tandoor, created by husband and wife team, Ajay and Shivani Kenth, specialises in craft beers, cocktails and Indian food including small plates, mixed grills and home-style curries. Located on Warwick Road, the building has undergone an extensive refurbishment transforming the space, formerly The Saddlers Arms, into an open plan bar and 80-seater restaurant mixing a traditional pub with Indian heritage. Tap & Tandoor launched in June and is Ajay and Shivanis second venue. The couple opened the highly successful Zindiya, an Indian Streatery and bar, in Moseley in February 2017 creating an experience of India in a fun and casual environment. We are delighted to bring a new concept to Solihull. We have named Tap & Tandoor as an 'Indian Gastropub' as we believe in delivering the best quality food, drink and experience. As Solihull town centre's only independent pub, we are keen to emphasise our local produce and suppliers. We hope to see you soon!