The Quirky Raven Coffee Co. is located on 5 Bishop Street, just a ten minute walk from the peace bridge, these are unique coffee houses where customers can socialise, get comfortable and relax whilst enjoying some of the best coffee in the city. We also offer a delicious breakfast, brunch and lunch menu alongside a variety of cakes. You can expect mouthwatering homemade specials each day, gluten free / vegetarian /vegan and healthy options and a full range of coffees and teas including Nitro Coffee and Blooming Tea (which youve got to try!) Both coffee shops serve Nitro Coffee which is coffee infused with nitrogen gas, creating a creamy-stout like effect. Also one of the only places to serve Blooming Tea. This uses fresh flowers like jasmine and tender green tea buds that are skilfully woven together into a ball shaped bloom and delicately unfurl to provide a stunning floral display.