Right on Bus 25, off of I 25 EXIT 42 or 52, 823 Main Street in beautiful Walsenburg Colorado. The Gateway to the West. If you plan to stay there is motel (1 block) from Sarti's Bar, called The Anchor Motel. Also a higher end B&B called La Plaza Inn with great food... Across the street from Sartis is Corinnes Restaurant with good hearty food. On the same block as Sarti's is the Fox Theater where they show 1st run movies. All these businesses are conveniently located in downtown Walsenburg CO where ice cream, coffee shops, antique and variety of stores are located. PS for the truckers on the road we have a parking lot across from the bar that you can settle in for the night without the noise of traffic outside your cab. Please take the time to visit our wonderful community, the Spanish Peaks and Sartis Bar!