THE BEST BURGERS IN MIDTOWN ATLANTA At Farm Burger, we serve 100 percent grassfed and grass-finished beef burgers to nourish our neighbors. Our whole carcass blend utilizes all major muscles and cuts available, including chuck, sirloin, round, short loin, rib, plate, flank, shank, neck, brisket, and trim. Parts such as offal, face, and tail meats are not included in our grind, but we are able to utilize some of these parts in other ways. For example, we use marrow bones to create roasted bone marrow-which is a featured topping on our regular menu. We also render the fat to create the tallow butter that all of our burgers are cooked in. Our goal is to utilize everything we can. Our burgers are made without antibiotics, GMOs, and added growth hormones. For flavor and freshness, we source ingredients from local, organic farms so that we can ensure that what you eat not only tastes great but also actively supports our community.