Blossom Ice Cream
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Vegan options for the ice cream lover !! The ice cream is poured onto a frozen disc and then rollwd when frozen. Many unique flavors(nuttila,lavender)…
We use the highest quality natural ingredients for our ice cream base combined with fresh fruit toppings to create delicious ice cream rolls for our customers. We offer a new and unique style along with numerous flavors to choose from. To make your Thai ice cream rolls: First, we prepare a flavored cream base according to your order. Next, we pour the cream base over other fresh ingredients in a freezing pan at a frosty -23 degrees celsius. We then mix all the ingredient together and spread the mixture thin before it is completely frozen. This will allow us to roll the ice cream and serve it to you with your favorite toppings in 2 minutes or less! We wanted to share this experience with everyone - our stores offers soy-based cream for those with vegan diets or prefer non-diary ice cream. If you have any food allergies, please let us know and be assured that we will do everything to accommodate your request.Details
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1 Reviews on “Blossom Ice Cream”
Vegan options for the ice cream lover !! The ice cream is poured onto a frozen disc and then rollwd when frozen. Many unique flavors(nuttila,lavender) and the regulars (vanilla, chocolate). At the end you have topping, gummies,fruit,marshmallow.A little expensive but enough to share.