The Bridge is a mission-oriented sustainable enterprise. All of The Bridge's profits are used for community development projects, primarily focused in the Putnam neighborhood. The mission of The Bridge is three-fold: -To provide vocational training and employment experience to under-employable individuals. Many of our team members are individuals who may face barriers to conventional employment, such as felons, working parents, and individuals with temporary residence. The Bridge provides an opportunity for professional development, skills training, and positive work history. -To provide access to nutritious, locally sourced foods in a low-income neighborhood. We think that our local food economies are important, and we also believe that healthy eating is an important building block in combating the cycle of poverty. We source as many of our ingredients as we can from local and regional farmers and artisans, and we make sure our menu includes affordable items for families in our neighborhood. -To provide a community meeting space which bridges social, economic and cultural division. We have intentionally located our restaurant in a low-income, working class neighborhood. But we also serve some of the best food, with the highest quality of food sources in Zanesville. We believe that The Bridge is a meeting space which brings a diverse group of people together in harmony. Whether you're a white collar family looking for healthy, amazing gourmet food, or a low-income family which needs access to nutritious, affordable food, there is something on our menu for you. This provides an opportunity for cultural exchange, as well as as opportunity for capitalistic wealth transfer from high to low income areas. The Bridge is owned by Muskingum Valley Community Development, LLC (MVCD), which is a community of investors who believe in glorifying God through sustainable enterprise. We desire to take the Kingdom of God beyond the doors of the church, and to share the love of Jesus in practical ways with our community. MVCD is a for-profit company. We believe that enterprise allows us to empower our community for change in unique and sustainable ways, and also frees us from the burden of soliciting donors. Although we are a for-profit company, all proceeds are recycled into community development projects, primarily in the Putnam neighborhood in Zanesville, Ohio.