We have been operating since 2008 and hold half day cooking classes for visitors to Nha Trang. It is a great experience of travelling to the local market, buying food and then preparing 3 dishes as chosen by the guests. We also provide a small recipe book at the completion of the tour, as a memento and keepsake. We are also keen to differentiate ourselves from all the other dining places in Nha Trang and give the customer a unique Vietnamese experience. One area is, we are strongly supporting 12 local orphanages. I spent 2 months travelling through Nha Trang & Vietnam & spent a lot of my time with the children at orphanages. As a result, I am trying to give back to these kids, by teaching them life skills and how the real world operates, outside of the usual visits and photo opportunity.That's where the idea for Lanterns came. We invite kids and their careers to each at least one day per month, but any time they wish to come.